This project is a response to the call for proposals under Clean Sky 2 and Joint Undertaking to manufacture IP Turbine casings for the new generation Ultrafan® engine from Astroloy using Net Shape Hot Isostatic Pressing of powder (NSHIP). Five partners (Ceit, INSTM, IMDEA, Aubert&Duval and UPV/EHU) with complementary expertise in the areas required to undertake the work including powder manufacturing and characterisation; NSHIP and modelling; low cost tooling, as well as microstructural and property assessment are involved in this proposal.

The main objective of HUC is to improve the buy to fly ratio from the typically achieved 9 through the conventional cast and wrought route to less than 3 through NNSHIP being the material developed able to withstand engine relevant conditions with and without exposure guaranteeing its ability to contain.